Favourite Quiz Round:
Favourite Quiz Question:
Any that makes people say "I should really know this...".
Standout Quiz Memory:
Meeting folk who played along with our online quizzes during lockdown. Seeing literally any dog.
Favourite Novels:
The Devil's Teardrop, Does anyone have any old Goosebumps books they don't want?
Favourite Films:
Coherence, Ready or Not,
Favourite TV Shows:
Bob's Burgers, Harvey Birdman Attorney at Law, I finished Lost recently..?
Favourite Vegetable:
Most Recent Gigs:
Weezer/Smashing Pumpkins, Hilltop Hoods, The 900 (THPS Cover Band)
Best Meal You've Cooked Recently?
I make a mean burger: inc. beetroot, pineapple. Chuck some corn ribs on the side. Sorted.
Any Pets?
No:( but i'm favourite pet-uncle to a few.
Soundtech Scott
Hobbies Outwith Quizzing:
Photography, vinyl cutting/decal making, cooking, exploring new areas,
Hosting Since